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Student Absence Policy

In order to be eligible for a certificate of attendance and achievement, all students must have a cumulative minimum of 80% attendance across the entire course.

Students late to class by 10 minutes or more will be marked absent for the entire period (one period is equal to two 45-minute lessons).

Students who require a visa to study will be informed that any absence will be noted (unless it is deemed justified*) and, where it is in contravention of their visa regulations, they will be reported to the visa issuing authority, in accordance with current national legislation.

* Justification includes sickness and/or injury, supported by a doctor’s certificate, pre-arranged visit to embassy or consulate on official or personal business, cultural requirements including prayer and/or national feast or other holidays, agreed break day(s) for long term students.

If the student’s attendance is less than 80% over a two week period, they will be required to meet with the Student Services Manager or Academic Manager. If the absence is not justified (see above), the student will be given a first written warning. Where a student has been recruited through a third party agent, this warning will also be sent to them.

A second meeting will be arranged for 2 weeks later to review the situation. If the student’s attendance is less than 80% by the review meeting, they will be required to meet with the Student Services Manager or Academic Manager. If the absence is not justified* the student will be given a final written warning. A further final meeting will be arranged for 2 weeks later to review the situation. Similarly, this warning will be sent to any interested third party agent.

If at this final meeting the student’s attendance is less than 80% over the previous two weeks, they will be required to meet with the General Manager of the School. If the absence is not justified* the student will be immediately expelled from the school and their accommodation. There will be no refund available. This expulsion will also be co-ordinated with any interested third party agent.

If attendance is inconsistent e.g. improves after the first written warning, then after a period falls below the minimum 80% attendance level over any 2 week period, the procedure will commence again from the point it was previously at.